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Meadow Brown at Toft Tunnel, 15th August 2004
Painted Lady at Toft Tunnel, 15th August 2004
Small White at Toft Tunnel, 15th August 2004
Large White at Toft tunnel, 15th August 2004
Brimstone at Toft Tunnel, 15th August 2004
Small Copper, Braceborough 1-8-04
Marbled White, Dyrham Park NT 23-7-04
Small Heath behind the garden on the 23rd May 2004
Speckled Wood at Toft Tunnel, 23rd May 2004
Orange-tip in garden
Ringlet 21-6-03 in the garden
Red Admiral in garden
Peacock in the garden 11-6-2000
Common Blue at Nicholas Watts Hide 17-8-03
Gatekeeper at Langtoft pits 17-8-03
Speckled Wood in Garden 17-8-03
Small White behind garden 16-8-03
Large White in garden
Small Tortoisshell in garden
Small Skipper behind the garden
Painted Lady in Garden
Comma at Thurlby Slipe Fen

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