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Flock of Sanderlings at Holkam beach, 25th December 2005
Flock of Sanderlings at Holkam beach, 25th December 2005
Flock of Sanderlings at Holkam beach, 25th December 2005
Redshank at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Guilemot at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Herring Gull at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Black-headed Gull at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Sanderling at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Purple Sandpiper at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Turnstone on Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Turnstone on Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Fulmar on the cliff at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Fulmar at Hunstanton beach, 24th December 2005
Mearly Redpoll and just see a Artic Redpoll to its left, Titchwell 28th Dec 2004
Little Grebe at Cley on 26th Dec 2004
Redshank at Cley on 26th Dec 2004
Snow Bunting at Holkam on Christmas day 2004
White-fronted Goose at Holkam on Christmas day 2004
Pink-footed Goose at Holkam on Christmas day 2004
Shore Lark at Holkam on Christmas day 2004
Shore Lark at Holkam on Christmas day 2004
Pink-footed Goose at Holkam on Christmas day 2004
Black-tailed Godwit at Titchwell on 24th Dec 2004
Black-tailed Godwit at Titchwell on 24th Dec 2004
Pintail at Titchwell on 24th Dec 2004
Herring Gull Gull at Hunstanton, 14-11-04
Black-headed Gull at Hunstanton, 14-11-04
Knot on the beach at Snettisham 14-12-04
Knot on the beach at Snettisham 14-12-04
Wigeon at Snettisham 14-12-04
Coot chick at Pensthorpe on 3rd May 2004
Robin near South Creak on the 2nd May 2004
Avocet at Pensthorpe on 3rd May 2004
Shelduck at Pensthorpe on 3rd May 2004
Tufted Duck at Pensthorpe on 3rd May 2004
Bearded Tit at Pensthorpe on 3rd May 2004
Wren near South Creak on the 2nd May 2004
Little Owl near Titchwell on 5th May 2004
Linnet at Titchwell on 5th May 2004
Sedge Warbler at Titchwell on 5th May 2004
Avocet at Titchwell on 5th May 2004
Wheatear at Titchwell on 5th May 2004
Snaderling at Titchwell on 8th May 2004
Woodpigeon at Titchwell on 1st May 2004
Shoveler at Titchwell on 1st May 2004
Black-tailed Godwit at Titchwell on 1st May 2004
Slavonian Grebe at Titchwell 13th Feb 2004
Woodcock at Titchwell 13th Feb 2004
Ruff & Black-headed Gulls at Titchwell 13th Feb 2004
Common Gull & Black-headed Gull on the beach at Titchwell on 25-12-03
Oysercatcher on a rounderbout near Kings Lynn 25-12-03
Spotted Redshank at Titchwell on 18-11-03
Redshank at Titchwell on 18-11-03
Black-winged Stilt at Titchwell on 18-11-03
Little Egret at Titchwell on 18-11-03
Brent Goose at Titchwell on 18-11-03
Dunlin on the beach at Titchwell on 18-11-03
Bar-tailed Godwit over the sea atTitchwell on 18-11-03
Water Rail atTitchwell on 18-11-03
Reed Bunting atTitchwell on 20-9-03
Dunlin atTitchwell on 20-9-03
Chaffinich atTitchwell on 20-9-03
Bar-tailed Godwit atTitchwell on 20-9-03
Heron atTitchwell on 20-9-03
Turnstone at Hunstanton
Black-headed & Common Gulls at Hunstanton
Fulmar at Hunstanton
Pheasant at Blickling house, May 2003
Robin, Titchwell 4-3-2002
Hose Sparrow, holiday home May 2003