1 of 2 Suffolk Photos
Grey Plover from East Hide Minsmere 20-10-03
Great Spotted Woodpecker at Dunwich Heath 24-10-03
Great Spotted Woodpecker at the visitor centre 24-10-03
Guilemot exhausted on the beach at Dunwich Heath 21-10-03
Kestrel at North Warren 24-10-03
Marsh Harrier from the Island Mere hide Minsmere 24-10-03
Marsh Harrier from the Island Mere hide Minsmere 24-10-03
Marsh Harrier from the Island Mere hide Minsmere 24-10-03
Marsh Tit at Dunwich Heath 24-10-03
Sizewell B power station from the Bittern hide 19-10-03
Sizewell B power station from the Island Mere Hide 24-10-03
Moorhen from the North Hide Minsmere 19-10-03
Red Deer in the wood during a Safari on 20-10-03
Rook at North Warren Sea car park 24-10-03
Stonechat at Dunwich Heath 24-10-03
Teal from West Hide Minsmere 20-10-03

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