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Turnstone at Caernarfon 16-09-05
Herring Gull at Caernarfon 16-09-05
Turnstone at Caernarfon 16-09-05
Curlew at Conwy RSPB 17-09-05
Curlew at Conwy RSPB 17-09-05
Meadow Pipit along road through Brecon Beacons, 10th June 2004
Wheatear along road through Brecon Beacons, 10th June 2004
Wheatear along road through Brecon Beacons, 9th June 2004
Tree Creeper at Nagshead RSPB, 9th June 2004
Redstart at Nagshead RSPB, 9th June 2004
Redstart at Nagshead RSPB, 9th June 2004

Pied Flycatcher at Nagshead RSPB, 9th June 2004
Spotted Flycatcher at the Cottage we stayed near Usk, 8th June 2004
Rook at Gigrin Farm, 10th June 2004
Buzzard at Gigrin Farm, 10th June 2004
RAven at Gigrin Farm, 10th June 2004
Grey Heron at Gigrin Farm, 10th June 2004
Buzzard at Gigrin Farm, 10th June 2004
Buzzard at Gigrin Farm, 10th June 2004